Sunday, November 27, 2011

Reading List

On my list to read:
Digital Preservation Coalition Technology Watch Reports, in particular Brian Lavoie's "Preservation Metadata." Lavoie also wrote a great introduction to OAIS.


    "A literature review: What exactly should we preserve? How scholars address this question and where is the gap"
    Jyue Tyan Low(Submitted on 7 Dec 2011)
    Cornell University

    Making Choices: IU Bloomington’s Media Preservation Prioritization Process « media preservation
    We are currently developing and testing a prioritization process and plan to begin work with campus units early in the spring semester. Our charge is to deliver by June 30 a prioritization plan for the first five years of media preservation work. This project will be carried out by MPI Director of Media Preservation Services, Mike Casey, and MPI assistant, Patrick Feaster, assisted by the SMART team (see the blog post Get SMART).
    The prioritization process relies upon a combination of software tools and curatorial expertise to assess preservation condition/risk and research/instructional value. The tools assist with structuring the analysis and provide a measure of objectivity as well as transparency to what is unavoidably, in part, subjective work. However, we do not believe that prioritization decisions can be left to software applications alone. Many parts of this process will be guided by the expertise and experience of unit curators and collection managers as well as media technical and format experts.

  3. Read up for this for digital forensics course!
